
Publication Spotlight: Liberles Lab

Published: April 21, 2021

  Congratulations to Nao Horio, DDS, PhD and the Liberles Lab at Harvard Medical School on their recent publication in Nature, which described their identification of a neuronal mechanism by which hunger selectively promotes attraction to food odors over other olfactory cues.

Publication Spotlight: Vyazovskiy Lab

Published: April 05, 2021

  Congratulations to Vlad Vyazovskiy and first author Christopher Thomas from the Vyazovskiy Lab on their recent pre-print.

Faces of Science: Gaby Lopez

Published: March 16, 2021

Early Career Spotlight: Faces of Science highlights early career neuroscientists, particularly BIPOC and women researchers.

Publication Spotlight: Sanes Lab

Published: January 18, 2021

  Congratulations to Justin Yao and the Sanes Lab on their recent publication about temporal encoding in the auditory cortex during perception.

Publication Spotlight: Wesson Lab

Published: November 19, 2020

  Congratulations to Katherine Wright and the Wesson lab on their recent publication, which explored the differences in neural recruitment between the nucleus accumbens (NAc) and the adjacent tublar striatum (TuS) during goal-directed behavior.

PZ5 |  fMRI |  NAc |  RZ5P |  dopamine |  dLight |  Lab Rat |  EMG |  post-natal |  customer spotlight |  electrical stimulation |  sleep studies |  events |  publication spotlight |  auditory research |  fiber photometry |  early career spotlight