
Faces of Science: Margo Straka

Published: September 22, 2021

Early Career Spotlight: Faces of Science highlights early career neuroscientists, particularly BIPOC and women researchers.

Faces of Science: Lashaka Jones

Published: June 17, 2021

Early Career Spotlight: Faces of Science highlights early career neuroscientists, particularly BIPOC and women researchers.

Faces of Science: Gaby Lopez

Published: March 16, 2021

Early Career Spotlight: Faces of Science highlights early career neuroscientists, particularly BIPOC and women researchers.

Other Topics:  
PZ5 |  fMRI |  NAc |  RZ5P |  dopamine |  dLight |  Lab Rat |  EMG |  post-natal |  customer spotlight |  electrical stimulation |  sleep studies |  events |  publication spotlight |  auditory research |  fiber photometry