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UDP Broadcast allows you to send information from Pynapse to client software. Control values, Metric values, Session-related text, and custom text can be sent on the network. Enable UDP Broadcast on the General Tab.

UDP Broadcast Options

Client classes for MATLAB and Python are available in the MATLAB and Python SDKs. See Programming Guide.

All UDP broadcast entries except for raw user text contain the session, block, and trial number.

Control Packet

Control values can be broadcast manually with the sendControlValue method.

Example output

[1.1.2] Frequency=1000

Metric Packet

Metric values can be automatically broadcast when they change value. If Session Controls are enabled and the metric is categorized as a Session, Block, or Trial metric, then the metric value can also be broadcast at the end of that time period. They can also be broadcast manually with the sendMetricValue method.

Metrics UDP Options

Example output

[1.3.4] Correct=2

Custom Text Packet

Use sendSessionEntry to send text with the current session, block, and trial number.

Example output

[2.1.2] my custom text

Use sendRawText to send raw text (with or without a timestamp since the start of the recording).

Example output

# with timestamp
00:09.91 raw text with no formatting

# without timestamp
raw text with no formatting


All UDP methods have the form p_Udp.{METHOD}. Type p_ in the Pynapse Code Editor and let the code completion do the work for you.



Broadcast a control value to the network prefixed with the current session, block, and trial number.

Inputs Type Description
cname string name of control to write to log file



Broadcast a metric value to the network prefixed with the current session, block, and trial number.

Inputs Type Description
mname string name of metric to write to log file


p_Udp.sendRawText(strg, withTimeStamp=False)

Broadcast a custom string to the network.

Inputs Type Description
strg string raw text to write to broadcast
withTimeStamp bool set True to include timestamp in the broadcast packet



Broadcast a custom string to the network prefixed with the current session, block, and trial number.

Inputs Type Description
strg string raw text to write to log file

Programming Guide


You can download the latest MATLAB SDK files here.

The PynapseUDP class installs to:


Example scripts install to:


Reading from Pynapse UDP

% instance of class that reads Pynapse UDP
u = PynapseUDP();

while 1
    % block until next UDP packet received
    u =;

    % print it


The Python PynapseUDP class interfaces with Pynapse. It is available in the tdt pypi package (pip install tdt).

Reading from Pynapse UDP

import tdt

udp = tdt.PynapseUDP()

while True: 
    if is not None: 
