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Workspace Basics

About the OpenScope Workspace

The OpenScope workspace includes four collapsible sub-windows and a main grid area where plots can be displayed.

OpenScope Main Workspace

Using the Tank Select Window

The Tank Select window allows you to identify the data to be plotted. Before you can plot data the tank containing the data must be selected. Users can create plots by dragging a data event to the grid area.

The window is divided into three areas: TANK, BLOCK, and EVENT. Right-clicking an area displays a shortcut menu that includes common commands.

The TANK area lists tanks that have been 'registered' and the currently active tank. You can register a tank so it appears in this list the next time OpenScope runs by right-clicking on the tank name and selecting 'Register Tank' from the dropdown menu.

The BLOCK area displays the blocks available in the tank selected in the Tank area. The Details view displays a name, date, starting time, duration, and stop time for each block of data in the selected tank. Drag the block name into the grid area to recreate the Flow Plot from that recording.

The EVENT area displays information about events for the block selected in the BLOCK area. Details include event type, data format, and sampling rate. Drag an event to the grid are to create a plot using just that data.

The Tank Select dialog can also be accessed from the File > Data Source menu.

Controlling Data Visualization

The Control Window provides controls for animating stored data or tracking data as it is acquired. Both methods read data from the tank; however, tracking ensures that the most recently stored data is being viewed during a live recording.

When tracking data, animation speed settings and block selection are not needed and are unavailable. Animation Speed choices include: ⅛, ¼, ½, Normal, x2, x4, x8.

Using the Time Control Window

The Time Control window provides a timeline and vertical line indicator that moves as data is animated. Epochs, or indexed events, are also added to the window. The Time Control Window can be used to move to a particular time or event by clicking on it.

Timeline by Time Stamps

The current time stamp
Moves the indicator forward or back by time stamps
Expands or shrinks scale in small steps
Expands or shrinks scale in large steps

Timeline by Events

The name of event displayed on corresponding line
Moves the indicator forward or back by one event
The current event value

Shortcut Menus

The following context sensitive menus are available by right-clicking the corresponding area of the Select Tank window.

TANK Shortcut Menu

Option Description
Browse for Tank Browse for tank folder
Create New Tank Opens the Create Data Tank dialog box so that a tank can be added
Register Tank Adds the selected tank to the registry so it will be available next time you run OpenScope without browsing for it
Unregister Tank Removes the selected tank from the registry. The tank can still be used
Test Tank Tests the connection to the server and opens and closes the tank file
Reset Tank Resets the selected tank file. This option returns the tank file to a state in which data can be read from or written to the tank
Show Full Path Toggles detail view on and off. In details view the path to the tank is displayed
Refresh Tank List Refreshes the Tank box display
Show Legacy Tanks Displays registered legacy format tanks in the tank list from OpenEx version 1.x
Find Legacy Tanks Browse for OpenEx version 1.x tank files

BLOCK Shortcut Menu

Option Description
Refresh Refreshes the Block box display
Details Toggles detail view on and off. In details view the date, the date, starting time, duration, and stop time of each block is shown
Sort Orders the blocks by Name
Information Shows a dialog that contains detailed event information

EVENT Shortcut Menu

Option Description
Details Toggles Details view on or off. Details view includes: event type (such as stream, snip, or strobe), data format (such as float, integer, or double), nSize (number of samples per acquired event), Fs (sampling frequency)

OpenScope Menus

OpenScope File Menu

Name Description
New Creates a blank OpenScope configuration file (*.xsp)
Open Open an existing OpenScope configuration file
Data Source Opens the Tank Select dialog. This Tank Select dialog box is similar to the Tank Select window but allows the user to select tank server if connecting across a network ^

^ If attempting to connect to a tank server to read live data as it is recorded across a network, see Tech Note TN0954

OpenScope Edit Menu

Name Description
Cut Cuts the selected plot or plots
Copy Copies the selected plot or plots
Paste Pastes the most recently cut or copied plot or plots
Paste Special Pastes a new plot type using the data source from the most recently cut or copied plot
Add Plot Opens a sub menu of plot types. Clicking a plot type adds a blank plot of that type to the grid area
Remove Selected Plot Removes the selected plot (no undo)
Group Groups selected plots so that they can be labeled and moved together
Ungroup Ungroups plots in a selected group
Preferences Opens the Setup Preferences dialog box to customize the appearance of the grid area

OpenScope Control Menu

Name Description
Animate Animates plots with data in the block selected in the Tank Select window
Track Active Animates plots with tracked data
Halt Stops animation or tracking

OpenScope View Menu

Name Description
Toolbar Toggles the toolbar between displayed and hidden
Status Bar Toggles the status bar between displayed and hidden
Tank Navigator Toggles the Tank Select window between displayed and hidden
Control Window Toggles the Control window between displayed and hidden
Message Window Toggles the Message Window between displayed and hidden
Notes Window Opens the List of Epoch Notes window and enables data annotation
Time Navigator Toggles the Time Control window between displayed and hidden
Show Epocs On Time Navigator Toggles the graphical display of epocs on the time navigator. Turn this off to improve performance for long recordings with lots of epoc events
Verbose Messaging Toggles verbose messaging on and off
Video Viewer Toggles open/close the Video Viewer window
Overlay Time Stamps Display the current time on the Video Viewer as a subtitle
Select Video Source Selects RV2 source of video for VideoViewer if not using a video file saved in the currently selected block
Customize Toolbars Opens the Customize dialog box to customize the appearance of the menu bar and toolbar

OpenScope Help Menu

Name Description
About OpenScope Displays version and copyright information for OpenScope