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Export Continuous Data To Corpus Emulator

Import continuous data into MATLAB using TDTbin2mat
Export to binary files that are read into Corpus as PZ5 data
Use SynapseAPI to generate new recordings with this data
Concatenate the resulting data sets into one master data structure

Download M File

Download Experiment File


Clear workspace and close existing figures. Add SDK directories to MATLAB path.

close all; clear all; clc;
[MAINEXAMPLEPATH,name,ext] = fileparts(cd); % \TDTMatlabSDK\Examples
DATAPATH = fullfile(MAINEXAMPLEPATH, 'ExampleData'); % \TDTMatlabSDK\Examples\ExampleData
[SDKPATH,name,ext] = fileparts(MAINEXAMPLEPATH); % \TDTMatlabSDK

Importing the Data

This example assumes you downloaded our example data sets (link) and extracted it into the \TDTMatlabSDK\Examples directory. To import your own data, replace BLOCKPATH with the path to your own data block.

In Synapse, you can find the block path in the database. Go to Menu > History. Find your block, then Right-Click > Copy path to clipboard.

BLOCKPATH = fullfile(DATAPATH,'Algernon-180308-130351');

Setup the variables for the data you want to extract

We will extract a stream store and output it to a Mat file

STORE = 'Wav1';
% the circuit loads and begins running before Synapse switches to record
% mode, so add 5 seconds of zeros to the front of it to make sure we are
% recording all of our data.

Experiment setup

This example uses the 'Demo_TankReplayer' experiment included in the download. In the RZ HAL, PortC0 is enabled as an input and its epoc store is set to 'Full'. This is critical to capture when the PZ data is valid. This will create the PC0 epoc event that we can time filter on during extraction.

EXPERIMENT = '_Demo_TankReplayer';
if ~strcmp(EXPERIMENT(1:6), '_Demo_')
    error('Experiment name must start with _Demo_ to automatically import Corpus data')

% Connect to Synapse
syn = SynapseAPI();

% Set appropriate scale factor depending on our device type
if strcmpi(TARGET_DEVICE, 'PZ5')
    SCALE = 1e9 / 4;
elseif strcmpi(TARGET_DEVICE, 'PZ2') || strcmpi(TARGET_DEVICE, 'PZ3') || strcmpi(TARGET_DEVICE, 'PZ4')
    SCALE = 1e9;

Read the headers to see how much data we have

heads = TDTbin2mat(BLOCKPATH, 'TYPE', {'streams'}, 'STORE', STORE, 'HEADERS', 1);

% get the total data size first
nchan = double(max(heads.stores.(STORE).chan));
npts = double(heads.stores.(STORE).size - 10);

MAX_SAMPLES = 256e6 / 2; % Corpus can load up to 256M samples total. Cut it in half to be safe.

% leave room for our digital trigger as well
nsamples = npts * double(numel(heads.stores.(STORE).chan)) * (nchan+1) / nchan;
FS = heads.stores.(STORE).fs;
ZEROPAD = zeros(nchan, ceil(PADDING * FS));

% if it's too big, we need to split it up
iter = ceil((nsamples + numel(ZEROPAD)) / MAX_SAMPLES);

% figure out what T1 and T2 should be on each iteration
T1 = 0;
% subtract our pad off of it, plus a little extra to be safe
DELTA = MAX_SAMPLES / FS / (nchan + 1) - (PADDING + 0.5);

ROOT = sprintf('C:\\TDT\\Corpus\\Simulation Files\\Synapse Demos\\%s', FOLDERNAME);

blockPaths = cell(1,iter);
for ii = 1:iter
    % first set it to the default experiment
    refreshExperiment = tic;

    % read our data into MATLAB and create MAT file for PZ5 emulated data
    data = TDTbin2mat(BLOCKPATH, 'TYPE', {'streams'}, 'STORE', STORE, 'HEADERS', heads, 'T1', T1, 'T2', T1 + DELTA);
    folder = fullfile(ROOT, 'PZ1');
    OUTFILE = fullfile(folder, 'chan.mat');
    arr = [ZEROPAD data.streams.(STORE).data] * SCALE;

    % log it
    DURATION = size(arr, 2) / FS;
    fprintf('Wrote %s to output file %s\n', STORE, OUTFILE);
    fprintf('Sampling Rate:\t%.6f Hz\n', FS);
    fprintf('Num Channels:\t%d\n', size(data.streams.(STORE).data, 1));
    fprintf('Duration:\t\t%.1fs (includes padding)\n', DURATION);

    % make the digital input trigger that tells when the data is valid
    bits = [zeros(1, size(ZEROPAD, 2)) ones(1, size(data.streams.(STORE).data,2))];

    clear data;
    save(OUTFILE, 'arr');
    clear arr;

    % save the digital input trigger data into Corpus directory
    folder = fullfile(ROOT, 'RZ1');
    OUTFILE = fullfile(folder, 'bits.i16');
    fileID = fopen(OUTFILE,'w');
    fwrite(fileID, bits, 'int16');
    fprintf('Wrote Sync Bit0 to output file %s\n', OUTFILE);
    clear bits;

    % Reload your experiment to force Corpus to reload the new data
    % then to our experiment

    % make sure enough time has elapsed that Corpus detected the change
    while tic - refreshExperiment < 3

    % load our experiment so Corpus catches it

    disp('Wait until data has loaded into Corpus (estimated)')
    pause(max(DURATION/10, 5))

    fprintf('Wait until data has completely cycled through (%d seconds)\n', ceil(DURATION))
    while syn.getSystemStatus.iRecordSecs < ceil(DURATION)

    % store this block name
    thisBlockPath = fullfile(syn.getCurrentTank, syn.getCurrentBlock);
    fprintf('Done recording into: %s\n', thisBlockPath)
    blockPaths{ii} = thisBlockPath;

    % get ready for next iteration
    T1 = T1 + DELTA;
read from t=0.00s to t=61.23s
Warning: Directory already exists. 
Wrote Wav1 to output file C:\TDT\Corpus\Simulation Files\Synapse Demos\TankReplayer\PZ1\chan.mat
Sampling Rate:  24414.062500 Hz
Num Channels:   16
Duration:       66.1s (includes padding)
Warning: Directory already exists. 
Wrote Sync Bit0 to output file C:\TDT\Corpus\Simulation Files\Synapse Demos\TankReplayer\RZ1\bits.i16
Wait until data has loaded into Corpus (estimated)
Wait until data has completely cycled through (67 seconds)
Done recording into: F:\Tanks\_Demo_TankReplayer-220120-164017\Subject1-220120-164017

Import the new data back into MATLAB

disp('Reading the data back into MATLAB')
for ii = 1:numel(blockPaths)
    tempdata = TDTbin2mat(blockPaths{ii}, 'TYPE', {'epocs'}); % get just the epoc events

    % we just want the first valid epoc event
    tr = [tempdata.epocs.PC0_.onset(1); tempdata.epocs.PC0_.offset(1)];

    % extract our data, just on that time range
    tempdata = TDTbin2mat(blockPaths{ii}, 'RANGES', tr);

    % your custom analysis code here
Reading the data back into MATLAB
read from t=0.00s to t=67.66s
read from t=0.00s to t=67.66s

Runtime Output