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S-BOX_PZ5 - Amplifier Input Splitter

The S-BOX_PZ5 is a 32-channel passive signal splitter for use with the PZ5 Amplifier or PZA (Subject Interface) Amplifier. The splitter provides a simple and effective means of routing low impedance biological signals to both a TDT acquisition system and a parallel recording system.

Two DB26 connectors provide direct connection to a PZ5 amplifier and a single DB37 provides a parallel output connection. Bank letters as well as channel number ranges are labeled on all the DB26 connectors (i.e. Bank A Channels 1-16).


The S-BOX_PZ5 is NOT FDA approved and is intended for use with the PZ5 Amplifier.

The S-BOX_PZ5 uses standard 1.5 mm safety connectors for electrode input. Front panel numbering of these inputs corresponds to TDT amplifier channels.

DB37 Pinout

Pin Name Description Pin Name Description
1 A1 Analog input channels 20 A2 Analog input channels
2 A3 21 A4
3 A5 22 A6
4 A7 23 A8
5 A9 24 A10
6 A11 25 A12
7 A13 26 A14
8 A15 27 A16
9 A17 28 A18
10 A19 29 A20
11 A21 30 A22
12 A23 31 A24
13 A25 32 A26
14 A27 33 A28
15 A29 34 A30
16 A31 35 A32
17 NA Not Used 36 NA Not Used
18 NA 37 REF Reference
19 GND Ground


No connections should be made to pins 17, 18, and 36.

DB26 Pinout

Pin Name Description Pin Name Description
1 A1 Analog Input Channels 14 NA Not Used
2 A2 15 GND Ground
3 A3 16 GND Ground
4 A4 17 NA Not Used
5 Ref Reference 18 HSD Headstage Detect
6 HSD Headstage Detect 19 HSD
7 A5 Analog Input Channels 20 A6 Analog Input Channels
8 A7 21 A8
9 A9 22 A10
10 A11 23 A12
11 A13 24 A14
12 A15 25 A16
13 NA Not Used 26 NA Not Used

S-BOX16 - 16 Channel Input Splitter

The S-BOX16 is a 16-channel passive signal splitter for use with the PZ5 Amplifier or PZA (Subject Interface) Amplifier. It has a physical switch to optionally short ground and reference together.

The S-BOX16 uses standard 1.5 mm safety connectors for input from electrodes. Front panel numbering of these inputs corresponds to TDT amplifier channels.

It has the same pinout as the S-BOX_PZ5.


If using with the IZ2 or IZV stimulator, make sure the switch is in the OPEN position.


The S-BOX16 is NOT FDA approved

S-BOX64 - 64 Channel Input Splitter

The SBOX64 is a 64-channel passive signal splitter for use with the PZ5 Amplifier or PZA (Subject Interface) Amplifier. It has a physical switch to optionally short ground and reference together.

The S-BOX64 uses standard 1.5 mm safety connectors for input from electrodes. Front panel numbering of these inputs corresponds to TDT amplifier channels.

Each DB26 has the same pinout as the S-BOX_PZ5.

  • Bank A Ch 1-16
  • Bank B Ch 17-32
  • Bank C Ch 33-48
  • Bank D Ch 49-64

All GND pins on Banks A-D are shared, and all Ref pins are shared.

Front and back pinout of S-BOX64


If using with the IZ2 or IZV stimulator, make sure the switch is in the OPEN position.


The S-BOX64 is NOT FDA approved